Indoor Trailing Plants

Trailing houseplants have regained popularity in recent years and rightly so. It can be very calming sharing space with a living thing and watching it grow. Many people think they need lots of windowsill space to grow houseplants but you don't! Many plants are quite happy just with reasonable light so somewhere nearby a window is fine. Hanging or trailing plants can be accommodated in a small area on a shelf or dedicated plant hanger suspended from the ceiling.

We only show you the plants we hope to have for sale in 2024, if not available now they will progressively become so through the spring.

48 Items
Rhipsalis agudoensis

An upright then trailing tree-dwelling cactus from Brazil, with fleshy stems, red tinged at the tips. Small cream flowers appear on mature plants.

Rhipsalis capilliformis
Rhipsalis capilliformis

Dainty epiphytic cactus which trails in a hair-like fashion so good for hanging baskets.

Rhipsalis dissimilis f. marnierianum
Rhipsalis dissimilis f. marnierianum

Similar to R. grandiflora with stiff, initially upright then arching and trailing 3-4 angled stems, the stalkless flowers are a pinky white about 1.75 cm across.

Rhipsalis pilocarpa

Epiphytic cactus with slender jointed prickly stems and white flowers in spring.

Senecio mikanioides
Senecio mikanioides

An attractive climbing or scrambling plant with fleshy pale green leaves with & deeper green along the veins. The reverse of the leaves is deep red. Yellow flowers may appear. Frost free, sun to part-shade.

Stenotaphrum secundatum
Buffalo Grass, St Augustine Grass

Tender, evergreen grass with a prostrate habit and green leaves. Ideal for a hanging basket or container, or ground cover for beds in a conservatory

Stenotaphrum secundatum variegatum
Stenotaphrum secundatum variegatum
Buffalo Grass, St Augustine Grass

Tender, evergreen grass with a prostrate habit and green leaves with a yellow margin. Ideal for a hanging basket or container, or ground cover for beds in a conservatory

Streptocarpus saxorum
Streptocarpus saxorum
Cape Primrose

Prostrate, tender perennial with pale lilac, white throated flowers from winter to early summer. Stand pot in a shallow dish fhalf filled with gravel and water from beneath. Shade from hot sun.

Tradescantia fluminensis 'Maiden's Blush'
Tradescantia fluminensis 'Maiden's Blush'

Vigorously spreading cultivar with attractive green, white and pink variegated leaves. Keep out of hot sun.

Tradescantia fluminensis 'Quicksilver'
Tradescantia fluminensis 'Quicksilver'
Inch Plant

Trailing foliage plant which makes a good houseplant or subject for a hanging basket in summer. The leaves are striped white and green.

Tradescantia pallida
Tradescantia pallida
Purple-heart spiderwort

The green leaved form of T. pallida 'Purpurea', not often offered for sale and a nice contrast.

Tradescantia pallida 'Pale Puma'
Tradescantia pallida 'Pale Puma'

A striking foliage plant with soft purple to green hairy leaves, making a smaller more compact plant than pallida purpurea.

Tradescantia pallida 'Purpurea'
Tradescantia pallida 'Purpurea'

A spreading or trailing plant with deep purple leaves and small pink flowers in summer. Keep away from very hot sun but needs good light to keep leaf colour.

Tradescantia plain green
Tradescantia plain green

Reverted from 'Quicksilver', a vigourous trailing plant with large glossy plain green leaves.

Tradescantia species

Possibly blossfeldiana/cerinthoides, this makes a spreading or trailing plant, ideal for baskets or ground cover in a greenhouse, or can be bedded out for the summer. Part shade.

Tradescantia zebrina
Tradescantia zebrina
Wandering Jew, Silver Inch Plant

Pretty trailing plant for a shady position - an ideal windowsill plant, or unusual ground cover in a conservatory.

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