Conservatory and Sunroom

We probably use the term Conservatory Plants a bit too freely – after all, plants were around long before conservatories, and with a bit of ingenuity, it is amazing the number of ‘conservatory’ plants you can grow - without a conservatory! A sun-lounge, porch or gently heated greenhouse will be appreciated by many medium-sized plants and some smaller plants can be accommodated on a windowsill. Plants in this category are generally regarded as best grown permanently indoors, due to their size, habit, flowering or tenderness. Wherever possible plants will appreciate a spell outdoors in summer. 

We only show you the plants we hope to have for sale in 2024, if not available now they will progressively become so through the spring.

313 Items
Campanula isophylla 'Alba'
Campanula isophylla 'Alba'
Italian Bellflower

A tender perennial with pure white flowers in summer. Grow in a greenhouse or similar all year, or pop into a hanging basket for the summer.

Campanula isophylla 'Variegata'
Variegated Italian Bellflower

A tender perennial with variegated leaves & pale blue flowers in summer. Grow in a greenhouse or similar all year, or pop into a hanging basket for the summer.

Canarina canariensis
Canary Island Bellflower

Stunning inter-flowering scrambling climber from cooler, moister parts of the Canary Islands with large burnt orange bell shaped flowers with dark veins. Dies down in summer when it should be kept dry.

Canna 'Cannova'
Indian Shot

Compact long-flowering Canna with bright red, orange or yellow flowers all summer, for pots & tropical bedding schemes. Rich moist, well drained soil in full sun.

Canna  brasiliensis
Canna brasiliensis
Indian Shot

A compact species of Canna with sage green leaves and small vivid red and orange flowers over a long period in summer.  Ideal for growing in pots as part of an jungle/ exotic scheme. Move into a greenhouse for protection over winter. May survive outdoors in very mild gardens with a very thick mulch

Canna 'Ra'
Water Canna

A very tall Canna for a boggy area with narrow leaves and large lemon yellow flowers in summer and autumn. Lift tubers or move pots into a frost free area in winter.

Canna altensteinii
Indian Shot

A very tall species with huge leaves, giving height and a tropical feel in the summer garden. Spikes of burnt orange flowers add to the display.

Canna compacta
Indian Shot

A shorter species growing to around 4 feet, with spikes of small orange-red flowers.

Canna indica
Indian Shot

The species from which many large flowered varieties have arisen. Small but eye-catching red and yellow flowers appear over a long period.

Canna jaegeriana
Indian Shot

A tall species to around 5 feet, with huge banana-like leaves, and spikes of burnt orange flowers. A more tender species

Canna musifolia 'Grande'
Canna musifolia 'Grande'
Banana-leaved Canna

A fantastic jungly plant (musifolia = banana leaves!) with large green leaves with red-tinged margins & central rib. Good moist soil in sun, best bedded out for the summer.

Canna patens
Canna patens
Indian Shot

A beautiful species of modest size, Fresh green leaves and red and yellow flowers from summer to autumn. Best lifted and kept frost free in winter.

Canna tuerckheimii
Giant Canna

A very tall species with matching large leaves, topped with tubular orange-red flowers. Best in a sheltered sunny spot.

Cestrum cultum 'Cretan Purple'
Cestrum cultum 'Cretan Purple'

Evergreen shrub with nice tubular, evening-scented purple flowers in summer. Grow in a loam based compost with added grit indoors, or in a sheltered, well drained spot outdoors. Protect from very hot sun in summer.

Chlorophytum   'Bonnie'
Chlorophytum 'Bonnie'
Curly Spider Plant

A more compact version of the Spider Plant with curly variegated foliage. Ideal for a trailing plant in a tight spot.

Chlorophytum comosum 'Vittatum'
Chlorophytum comosum 'Vittatum'
Spider Plant

Spider Plant with green leaves with a white-cream central stripe, giving it an overall lighter appearance than 'Variegatum'.

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