Half Hardy and Summer Patio

Bring a taste of the exotic to your garden with half-hardy plants. If you can provide some winter protection it is amazing how many more interesting and plants you can grow, to the envy of your friends and family. You can grow these plants in pots and enjoy them in the garden between June and September when there is no risk of frost (UK). All they need is a greenhouse, porch or conservatory over winter kept above freezing.

Many plants will relish a spell outdoors, the local birds can get at any pests, and the sun and wind helps to strengthen the plants. September is a good time to start thinking about bringing plants undercover, as the nights will be rapidly getting longer and colder, and excess moisture can build up. Some plants will be happy tucked up against the house wall, with a bit of fleece to hand for very cold nights. 

We only show you the plants we hope to have for sale in 2024, if not available now they will progressively become so through the spring.

199 Items
Aristaloe  aristata
Aristaloe aristata
Lace Aloe

(Previously Aloe aristata.)

A fairly hardy quick growing succulent with neat rosettes of green leaves with soft white spines. Spikes of pink flowers in spring.

Asclepias curassavica
Blood Flower

Tender, evergreen sub shrub with bright red and orange flowers, summer to autumn. Attracts bees & butterflies.

Asclepias curassavica mixed
Asclepias curassavica mixed
£6.50  -  £14.00
Blood Flower

Tender, evergreen sub shrub with bright yellow, red and orange flowers, summer to autumn. A seed raised mix, flower colour variable. Attracts bees & butterflies.

Begonia  'Snow Cap'
Begonia 'Snow Cap'

A striking Cane Begonia with glossy green leaves generously sprinkled with white spots. Pendant clusters of pink flowers in summer. Evergreen

Brachychiton acerifolius
Kurrajong, Bottle Tree, Illawarra Flame Tree

A flowering tree in its native South Africa; here it makes an attractive pot plant with a gnarled stem and glossy palmate (hand-shaped) leaves. Possibly orange flowers on large plants.

Brugmansia 'Equador Pink'

A cultivar with mid pink night-scented flowers.

Brugmansia arborea
Brugmansia arborea
Angel’s Trumpet A frost-tender deciduous shrub with large, pendulous, night-scented white trumpets in summer. Fantastic for bedding out or growing in pots on the Patio. Needs frost protection in winter
Brugmansia sanguinea
Brugmansia sanguinea

Tender evergreen shrub with yellow trumpets with flared red tips mainly spring to autumn. Prune to shape in spring. Seed raised.

Brugmansia sanguinea 'Aurea'

The yellow flowered form of this tender evergreen shrub with yellow trumpets mainly spring to autumn. Prune to shape in spring. Seed raised.

Brugmansia sanguinea 'Hot Red'

Long red flowers mainly spring to autumn. Seed raised.

Brugmansia suaveolens 'Brazilian White'
Angel’s Trumpet A frost-tender deciduous shrub with large, pendulous, night-scented white trumpets in summer. Fantastic for bedding out or growing in pots on the Patio. Needs frost protection in winter
Brugmansia × candida 'Angels Sunbeam'
Brugmansia × candida 'Angels Sunbeam'
Angel’s Trumpet A frost-tender deciduous shrub with large, pendulous, double or even treble cream night-scented trumpets in summer.
Buddleja curviflora
Buddleja curviflora

A fairly hardy deciduous shrub to around 1.2 m, with attractive grey felted foliage and curved lavender flowers in late summer. Japan and Taiwan

Bulbine frutescens 'Hallmark'
Bulbine frutescens 'Hallmark'
Stalked Bulbine

An orange flowered selection of the yellow flowered species. Spreading clumps of narrow fleshy leaves topped with spikes of small orange flowers in spring and summer. Hardy in mild gardens.

Campanula isophylla 'Alba'
Campanula isophylla 'Alba'
Italian Bellflower

A tender perennial with pure white flowers in summer. Grow in a greenhouse or similar all year, or pop into a hanging basket for the summer.

Campanula isophylla 'Variegata'
Variegated Italian Bellflower

A tender perennial with variegated leaves & pale blue flowers in summer. Grow in a greenhouse or similar all year, or pop into a hanging basket for the summer.

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